1Monthly Savings Fee of $5 applies if 25 or older, with no loan or credit card account, and monthly average balance of all accounts combined is less than $300.
2Refer to Schedule of Fees for applicable overdraft transfer fee.
Go to main navigationWhen you’re saving for something special, it can be helpful to hold those funds in a separate, Special Savings account, to easily track your progress. Whether you’re saving for tuition, a vacation, or something else, with a Special Savings account you can:
If you’d like a savings account for one or more of your children, you can open a separate credit union membership for each child. Then everyone in the family will enjoy the benefits of DCU for life.
With a Money Market Savings account from DCU, you can enjoy the best of both worlds—more competitive rates, and convenient access to your money.
When you put a little money away throughout the year, it can help make the holidays less stressful. Open a Holiday Savings account with DCU, and you can:
Add to your Holiday Savings throughout the year and we’ll automatically transfer the funds into your Primary Savings account on November 1.
1Monthly Savings Fee of $5 applies if 25 or older, with no loan or credit card account, and monthly average balance of all accounts combined is less than $300.
2Refer to Schedule of Fees for applicable overdraft transfer fee.
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